TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. takes all measures that have to do with the implement of Part II of Law 48/08/2021 about the prevention and demolition of every aspect of violence including harassment based on gender and sexual harassment and does not tolerate any aspect of behavior that could be considered as one.

Goal of this policy is the creation and consolidation of a working environment, which respects, promotes and ensures human dignity and the right of everyone in a world of work without violence and harassment.
TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. declares that acknowledges this right and does not tolerate any kind of such behavior against anyone.

This policy is established according to the articles 9 & 10 Law 4808/2021 and specializes in the employees’ and employer’s rights and obligations that have to do with any kind of violence or harassment at work environment, as well as the measures that are taken to prevent and deal with this kind of dangers.


Risks of harassment and violence at work and prevention and treatment measures

a) Risks may take place:

At work, including office spaces, common company areas, in places where employees take their brake for rest and in personal hygiene and care areas.

In commuting to and from work, travels, education, as well as at events and social activities that have to do with work.

During work-related communications, including those that take place via information and communication technologies.

Preventive measures / actions to inform and raise awareness among staff

TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. as preventive measures, controlling, limiting, and dealing with these risks, as well as monitoring such incidents or patterns of behavior, in order to draw the attention of all employees and other employees and sensitize them on issues of behavior at work, takes the following actions:

Ensures that employees are informed on a regular basis, whenever required by the Human Resources Manager, Mrs. Verykiou Konstantina for the ways to prevent and deal with incidents of both violence and harassment.

Urges employees to be alert and ready if they recognize such behavior, against either themselves or their colleagues, report them promptly, according to the complaints’ policy, and take the prescribed actions.

The Human Resources Manager and the Occupational Physician must monitor and inform immediately the relevant supervisor in case of detection of behaviors that could be aggravated or incidents that may cause concern, to act appropriately.

TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. has appointed the Human Resources Manager responsible, in order to guide and inform employees and other employees regarding the prevention and treatment of violence and harassment at work. Her role is strictly informational and has to do with guiding and informing the employees and other employees, regardless of whether they address to her due to an incident or complain. The protection of personal data is an obligation of the Human Resources Manager within the exercise of her duties.

TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. is particularly sensitive to issues of domestic violence and lays emphasis on the employment protection and the support for victims of domestic violence.

Employees who have proven been victims of domestic violence will enjoy increased job protection; they are entitled to take their regular leave in priority and in general, they will be smoothly reintegrated into their work after such incidents.


If an employee feels that, he or she is a victim of sexual or other harassment is called to submit a written or anonymous complaint through the following channels:

  • Via email (hr@zarifopoulos.com) to the department of Human Recourses
  • Via post to the address: 14 Dodekanissou Str., Nea Ionia to the attention of the department of Human Recourses
  • Via courier to the address 14 Dodekanissou Str., Nea Ionia to the attention of the department of Human Recourses
  • With a personal meeting with the department of Human Recourses

The department of Human Recourses will deal with the matter with absolute confidentiality, objectivity and special sensitivity for the victim and the others involved.

The company’s management will investigate the complaint immediately and thoroughly and will take all the necessary measures to punish those responsible and protect the victim, according to the existing provisions of the Law and the internal regulations of the company.

The Human Resources Manager will inform the victim of violence and harassment about his or hers possibility to appeal in parallel to the competent administrative authorities (Labour Inspection and the Greek Ombudsman) as well as the judicial authorities οf his / hers choice.

TAKIS G. ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. and the competent bodies of the company will cooperate with any public, administrative or judicial Authority, which either ex officio or at the request of the victim will provide any personal data and information within its competence and in accordance to the Law.