Z-SOS is a new application redefining the concept of security, wherever you are. For any emergency situation or need of assistance, 24hrs a day and 7 days a week, with the press of a button.

  • It is a user-friendly application with guidelines on dealing with emergency and danger situations (free download)
  • It offers the capability of activating the provision of Emergency Services by the relevant Authorities (Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance) in cases of Robbery, Fire, Flood, as well as need of Medical Assistance
  • It is the fastest and most direct means of alerting that you are in an emergency situation, in collaboration with the HERMES Alarm Receiving Centre, only with a click on your smartphone, choosing from a practical and user-friendly menu of options depending on the type of emergency situation
  • The signal transmission is combined with immediate identification of your exact geographical location, at the time of signal activation at the HERMES Alarm Receiving Centre

The application is currently available for use only to registered users. For more information on how to gain access, please contact

The Z-SOS application is free to download for Android smartphones from Google Play.