Installation of Closed-circuit television Systems and Gas Detection in the new building of the Canadian Embassy.

The project of relocation of the Embassy to its new position, took over as main contractor company Aktor SA. As technical advisor of the Embassy for the design and implementation of the project specifications, TEAM M-H design office worked.

In the project, our Company installed – after special study – two systems:

1. Closed Circuit Television
This is because standard application specific requirement for compliance with extensive image file 90 days. Consists of:

  • Indoor and outdoor cameras Dome, high resolution day / night, with cUL certification.
  • Recording equipment with special enhancement of the capacity of hard disks, in order to meet the extended 90 days image file, according to the specific requirements of the Canadian State (the law in Greece allows up to 15 days).
  • Remote image monitoring stations on multiple workstations within the Embassy, whilst allowing surveillance via internet application.

2. Detection System Refrigerant Gas R410
This is a standard application, in terms of the detection method and the extent of the system and consists of:

  • 61 refrigerant gas detectors R410, addressable, connected with 3 loops, Lon technology.
  • 3 central gas detection panels, which extend the range of the building and give the possibility of alarm per floor to activate ventilation systems, visual and audio information to staff, with a parallel interface to the BMS system.



  • Timeline: Project Implementation for the period 2014-2015.
  • Contributors: Norbain, Samsung, Ados.
  • Unique Benefits: Safety for critical facilities and protect the environment from harmful gas leaks.
  • Project Engineer: Aris Zacharias, Electrical Engineer NTUA.