Security, Fire Detection, Gas Detection and Extinguishing systems design (according to NFPA and EN1504 standards), supply and installation, at Thrace Plastics Pack plant.

Working closely with Thrace Plastics Pack Group on their industrial units throughout Greece, ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. undertook and successfully completed on time, a modern fire safety system installation at their Ioannina plant. Thrace Plastics Pack Group is one of the largest producers of Technical Fabrics and Packaging Solutions in the world, with presence in 10 countries, sales network in 80 countries and 1,800 customers worldwide.

Fire Detection – Fire Extinguishing – Gas Detection: In plant’s main unit, an addressable fire detection system was installed using components from Inim, Notifier and Klaxon companies whilst the existing equipment was integrated with the new system.

Local Automatic Extinguishing Systems with FM-200, NOVEC and carbon dioxide (CO2) have been also installed in all electromechanical areas of the plant. The systems use Kentec fire extinguishing control panels and Macron and Worthington fire extinguishers.

In addition, a hydrogen detection system of the Italian company Tecnocontrol was installed in the battery charging area.

Central control: All systems are network interconnected to a central platform under Honeywell’s ARENA NX software, in order for all Fire Safety systems to be simultaneously displayed in a graphical environment. The system is a freely programmable, of open architecture and fully scalable one. The whole setup offers a complete and thorough environment for the immediate information of those responsible.

Security System: Via Inim Electronics alarm system, the smooth operation of plant’s sensitive areas is well-assured.

  • Project Engineer: Vangelis Vlachos