ZARIFOPOULOS SA supplied, installed and set into operation Security, Fire Safety and Energy Management Systems at the Medialyse Dialysis Centre in Pylaia, Thessaloniki.

The Centre was incorporated in the network of the “Mesogeios-Medialyse” Dialysis Centers Group and offers renal care services and is housed in new build, state-of-the-art facilities, of total area 1,500m2, serving up to 180 patients per day, and using advanced haemodialysis equipment as well as air-conditioning systems, fresh air supply systems, personal TVs, free wi-fi, parking space etc.


ZARIFOPOULOS installed Security systems protecting the building facilities against intrusion, detecting malicious entry into the space, both through security equipment (motion detectors, magnetic contacts, breakage detectors etc.) as well as through high definition cameras for the optical verification of incidents. The systems are monitored by the HERMES Alarm Receiving Centre of ZARIFOPOULOS Group, the most state-of-the-art and fully equipped Centre in Greece. Contact with HERMES is ensured through a special dual path device, which uses wireless communication capabilities in case of fault of the cable networks. Entry into designated areas of the building for authorized staff is allowed through autonomous access control systems and the use of passwords and/or a card.

Fire Safety systems fully cover the entire building, focusing on the safety of patients and giving particular attention to the critical areas containing electro-mechanical equipment, where fire suppression systems with dry power and CO2 were installed. By the use of these systems it was ensured that in the event of a fire in one of these critical areas there will not be a risk for the patients or for the specialised equipment of the facility. Fire safety systems are supported by portable fire extinguishers located throughout the building, in case human intervention is needed to deal with the fire. Furthermore, the safe evacuation of patients and staff during an emergency event, is facilitated through security lighting in all doors and along the building’s exit routes.

Finally, the heating, cooling and ventilation systems are controlled via an energy management system, which automatically controls all the relevant A/C units. In this way patients’ and staff comfort is optimised, so that they carry out their work most effectively, and the building’s energy consumption is reduced.


Each system has its own (one or more) control board(s), being a user-friendly interface for the facility’s staff, for the everyday use of the systems as well as in the case of emergency.

Automisation of the systems’ operation in regular everyday operations where human intervention is not required, is very important. Of course, user override is allowed so as to make adjustments to individual needs where required. With regards to the Security and Fire Safety systems, a clear and simple way of operating them in case of an incident is very important, so as to minimize any potential risk for the patients.


The installation of all above systems had to comply with all safety requirements applicable to areas with high concentration of people, more so considering the particular use as a healthcare facility. More specifically, the automated Energy Management and Fire Safety systems operate in such a way so as to create the best possible environmental conditions in the patients’ area, with no disturbances, whilst also offering maximum safety in the case of fire.


The firm goal of ZARIFOPOULOS is the supply and installation of certified systems, with proven reliability in the last decades, user-friendly for the owner. Our priority is to reinforce the feeling of safety in protected areas, so that final customers can focus, unobstructed, in their everyday schedule of activities and commitments.

  • Project engineer: Ioannis Meletiadis